
Leslie knows the legal industry inside out.

Leslie knows what it’s like to be an overworked receptionist. She knows what it’s like to appear before a judge as a law clerk. She understands the inner workings of a law firm’s time management and billing systems. She is an expert in implementing and managing the latest legal software. She’s helped a number of law firms open their doors – and wind down their practices. She’s helped firms prepare for Law Society audits. With her 360-degree perspective on the operations of law firms, Leslie is uniquely qualified to help small and medium sized practices thrive, running as efficiently and profitably as possible.

Midway through her career in the legal industry, Leslie identified the need for knowledgeable back office support for law firms – one client described her role as that of an “outsourced CFO”. That quest sent Leslie back to school for her MBA, where her business skills were honed to complement her existing experience inside law firms. The result? Leslie is the perfect “insider” consultant. She not only understands the issues that smaller firms face, but also how to best resolve them. It isn’t high finance. It’s mostly common sense mixed with the discipline required for more effective control of the firm’s finances. Every firm needs a Fixer. Meet Leslie.

Roles played through a long career in the legal industry:
  • Receptionist
  • Law Clerk
  • Office Manager
  • Soluno Consultant
  • Back Office Consultant

You only have to meet Leslie once to witness her passion for managing every aspect of the legal business. She’s equally passionate about travel. Starting in her early 30s, Leslie became the consummate globetrotter. She’s been to every continent but Antarctica. She’s slept on the beach, in cheap pensions, backpacking, trekking, or just soaking in the magic of different countries and cultures.

Today, Leslie’s principal form of travel is on board her Indian Dark Horse 1800 cc (Note: this bike is her previous ride ). Yup, she’s a biker chick and proud of it. She’s ridden across Canada and the U.S.

Leslie at play.

Work hard, play harder.


Watch Leslie joyfully at work helping out at the Daily Bread Food Bank. Leslie is alarmed at the drastic increase in demand at food banks across Canada. In case you don’t know this already, Leslie is about action, not just words.

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